To help moms of tweens & teens prepare for life in an empty nest.

If you’re feeling uncertain or even fearful about your kids growing up and moving on, you’re not alone. So many moms wonder how they’ll ever let go of a job they’ve been doing for 18+ years.

Just as you might (unexpectedly) miss the Lego-covered floor of their toddler years and the mild (or wild) Harry Potter obsession that soon followed, there will be a time when you miss the countless dishes, wet towels, and hoodies scattered about their room.

We know, whether we admit it or not, that one day, the vacuum lines will remain on their bedroom rug for far too long, and the door, one that was closed for much of their teen years, will stay open—reminding us that they are no longer our babies.

When that day comes, you’ll feel emotions ranging from excitement to sadness to worry. This is a major life change that most moms don’t think enough about until it's racing toward us at an uncontrollable speed.

Over the past 17 years, I've had intimate conversations with seasoned moms, delved into the wisdom of parenting experts, and scoured the web searching for ways to avoid empty nest syndrome.

Today, I'm here to share my discoveries and four easy steps you can take to help make the transition into an empty nest smoother.

✓Read the guide.
✓Follow the steps (one or all four).

Watching your kids leave the house will be hard, but it doesn’t have to devastate you.

    A free guide

    👏 Plus, you’ll be added to my email list where we’ll continue the “life in midlife” conversation.

    "Your emails are GOLD. I hear your voice as I read and man - what insight! "

    —Myaann Payne